Update on the Ongoing Project at the Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu

VNL is engaged in the design and supervision of electrical and mechanical installations for 6Nr buildings at various stages of completion within the Institution of Management and Technology, Enugu Compound.

Scenes from the Project:

Mainenance duct
Mainenance duct
One of the Installed Distribution Boards at the Office Block Complex, IMT
One of the Offices in the Office Block, IMT
Proposed Auditorium, Institute of Management Technology, Enugu
Proposed Auditorium, Institute of Management Technology, Enugu
Proposed Classroom , Institute of Management Technology, Enugu
Proposed Classroom and Office Blocks, Institute of Management Technology, Enugu
Proposed Classroom Blocks, Institute of Management Technology, Enugu
Water Supply tanks, Proposed Classroom Blocks, IMT
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