Vaastrop Nigeria Limited was incorporated on April 1st, 1997. It is a registered engineering consulting firm with the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) for civil, electrical & mechanical engineering and the Association for Consulting Engineering in Nigeria (ACEN).
Vaastrop Nigeria Limited aims to set up a durable top-flight multidiscipline engineering consulting firm known for optimum client satisfaction.
Vaastrop has decided to look at its scope of operation in sectors rather than disciplines of specialization because it makes more practical and real-life sense. In addition, it conforms more with international practice going by its experience. Moreover, since its objective is to render comprehensive consultancy services to her clients, it makes more sense to discuss projects in sectors.
Vaastrop carefully assembles an integrated team of professionals appropriate for each project to deliver the project as desired. Homogeneity of culture, service quality, staff service conditions, etc are better achieved when these services are rendered under same consulting authority.
Vaastrop engages in feasibility studies, reports, advisory work, preparation of designs, specifications, schedules, cost estimates, procurement, construction supervision and project management in the following sectors:
Roads & bridges
Structural services, Electrical installations, Electronics & control, Mechanical services
Rural electrification schemes, Urban electricity distribution networks, Street lighting systems
Boreholes schemes, Surface schemes, Irrigation, Sanitation, Flood & erosion control, Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA), Institutional development
Roads, Electricity, Water, Sanitation, Capacity development
Initiation, Planning, Execution, Closure, Monitoring & evaluation
Optimum client satisfaction remains our focus.
Vaastrop will close for the year on Wednesday 18th December, 2024. We will resume on Wednesday 8th January, 2025. We wish all our clients, associates, staff, etc. the best of the season.
The future is here: BLOCKCHAIN
The 5th session of our in-house seminar for the year was held on July 6, 2023 at our corporate headquarters at Enugu. The topic addressed was The future is here: BLOCKCHAIN
Entitlement Mentality
The 4th session of our in-house seminar for the year was held on April 20, 2023 at our corporate headquarters at Enugu. The topic addressed was Entitlement Mentality